As we move closer to Election Day 2010, it’s critical for Republicans to continue building

STEWARD’s “Stop the Spending Chowderfest” will provide a golden opportunity for fiscal conservatives to gather in opposition to the reckless spendathon at the Statehouse and in Washington. We’ll have several special guest speakers that day, including Kelly Ayotte, Jim Bender and Sean Mahoney – Republicans who are all looking at the race for U.S. Senate next year.
Here are all the important details, we look forward to seeing you next weekend!
WHAT: STEWARD of Prosperity’s “Stop the Spending Chowderfest”
WHO: New Hampshire Fiscal Conservatives
WHERE: Redhook Brewery, 35 Corporate Drive, Portsmouth, NH
WHEN: Saturday, October 17, 2009, from 1 to 3 p.m., rain or shine
RSVP: Required - cick here, or call STEWARD at 603-415-2601
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