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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Senator Gregg on Health Care

Senator Gregg, the only member of NH's Congressional Delegation to hold a health care town hall meeting so far this August, has a column in today's Union Leader further discussing the most pressing issue in DC, NH and around the nation:

We must step back and work in a bipartisan way to produce thoughtful legislation that gives each American access to affordable, high-quality insurance options. To do this in a way that does not bankrupt our children's future, it is critical that we adopt these five quality-enhancing, cost saving measures. We must:

--replace our out-of-date payment system with a system that rewards quality over quantity in order to provide effective health care for less.

--implement tort reform to reduce frivolous lawsuits, which increase costs and drive doctors and medical professionals out of practice.

--focus on encouraging Americans to live healthier lifestyles by creating incentives for exercising and getting preventative screenings and other wellness measures that reduce the cost of care.

--focus on areas that we know account for significant health care spending, such as Alzheimer's and obesity.

--reduce our long-term health care costs and reform unsustainable entitlement programs that threaten to strangle our economy.

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